Friday, August 31, 2007

Chapter 9: Asking Questions


Anonymous said...

This was probably the most fun for me! The kids were enthusiastic about examining the text with the "same eye" as the person who is hired to develop assessments. I stuck with sorting questions into 3 categories (right there, author and you, and on your own). I decided not to tackle think and search yet. There were not many think adn search questions on the assessment. The assessment had predominately right there and think and search.

Rachelle said...

We have been exploring "asking questions" this week. OK, really, I have been exploring it. Some of the students are starting to catch on. We ahve been asking who, what, when, where, why, and how. I need to put up the posters so they will remember the six question starters. I should have, and still might, take it from the direction Destiny did.
We are really having to weed out questions of little or no importance.

Anonymous said...

Cristina said....

I have been working on questioning for a couple of weeks now and I am also enjoying this strategy. I did a lot of modeling at first before releasing more of the responsibility to the students. We spent some guided practice time where I really had to focus on "thick and thin" questions. That last week students have been working independently and I have been getting some mixed results. They have the hardest time with the before questions, so we are still working really hard on that!