Friday, August 31, 2007

Materials and Organization: Questions, Ideas, and More


CristinaRobb said...

Since we have just started Reader's Workshop I have done several things to help keep things organized. Each child has a folder where reading logs are kept. Also in the folder is a copy of the animated alphabet chart to help while they are reading. During share time to encourage a variety of people sharing I use my popsicle sticks to allow every student equal chance of sharing. I also keep a ziploc baggie of post-it notes with the reading folders to have them ready for use.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Organizing the books for reader's workshop has been a real chore!!! There are a few more books on the way as well as the carts/tubs and visual timers.

We'll need to get together for one more chunk of time to organize the books into tubs and make lists of what's available in each tub. Each teacher will have 18 tubs. It will be o.k. to have some repeating tub titles like ABC books, favorite authors, etc. Be thinking about what book tub titles will help us. Remember...we only have 18 tubs each and we would like to get as many books to kids hands as we can in the most usable way. I bought labels to put on the tubs and the back of the books...hopefully we could put a picture of a animal with the label ANIMAL Books on the tub and then the books in that tub would say ANIMAL plus the picture of the animal on the back of each of the titles that belong in that tub.

Anonymous said...

We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! The books have arrived as well as the carts and the timer. We've organized most of the books into tubs. All that is left is to label the books and tubs. Inventory which books are in which tubs and finally teach the kids to use the materials. I have several ideas for labeling. We do need to make sure that all of our labels are consistent since we're switching tubs each trimester.

My kids are so excited about all of the books. They looked at the boxes for so long. Of course, the boxes look just like the boxes from our book orders.

I'm excited, too! I want to make sure that we label the tubs and books to match, each tub needs a different label and each label needs to include the title of the tub (examples: non-fiction: animal books, easy readers, author study: dePaola and Brown, etc.)

Let's hear your ideas...

Anonymous said...

My books are organized by reading level. I send the books home for homework. Students practice reading the books at school, too.


Rachelle said...

I wish we had been able to switch our carts this year. I know my students have their favorits and need a change.

Anonymous said...

I love your folder idea. I'm thinking about incorporating it myself next year. I used composition books for entries thsi year, but I didn't have your toolkit idea included. It would be nice to prepare mini offices like I've seen online with all the reading toolkit pieces for decoding. Do you use certain symbols for each comprehension strategy? I want to make symbols we could all use. For example: Making connections would have a small symbol next to text to text that would include the picture of our anchor story.
